Photo. by Niels Huby, N&C founding editor in chief.
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This is no less than one of the world's most extensive portal cataloging a selection of websites on geography and related issues
It is divided into 10 sections: > Popular science: educational TV and printed magazines > travel, nature, and geography consumer magazines > Learned societies, research institutes, and scholarly publications > Portals and e-libraries > Most useful museum websites > International Governmental (Intergovernmental) Organizations - IGOs > Environmental ministries (or comparable institutions) of the nations of the world including > Local government environmental institutions > other government agencies and and programs (of interest to geographers): > Important NGOs > Indigenous Peoples' affairs: government or tribal organizations and publications > Outdoor leisure and sports |
Every issue of N&C - Nature & Cultures includes one or several reviews of books, films or exhibits.
Constituting a mini encyclopedia, these are comparative tables of the government systems of states from all over the world. They are the result of a collective class project first produced by students of the Comparative Politics class of Spring 2020 (International Comparative Politics Dept., The American University of Paris) during their experience of remote virtual classroom activities. The tables presented here will be completed in the months to come by more students. Feel free to complete the table for any country, using the models featured on this page.